Our Strategies

With art as a tool, we base on the connection between creative expression and physical and mental wellbeing and how it impacts life.

  1. Physical wellbeing.

. Health support

. Proper hygiene trainings and lessons.

. Physical exercises and trainings.

  • Social wellbeing.

. Communication and interpretation training.

. Interpersonal relationship and skill development.

. Community adaptation training.

  • Psychological and Emotional wellbeing.

. Proper approach to concrete and abstract facts.

. Emotional support.

. Safe space for creative expression.

. Visual art sessions for therapy.

  • Economic wellbeing.

. Decision making training.

. Critical thinking and problem solving training.

. Proper Planning training.

. Prioritizing training.

. Proper planning training.


We exploit the therapeutic benefits of art to create a safe space for women, children and youths to express life experiences they can’t verbalize thus bringing healing in their lives.

Furthermore, through skill development and production of art work by our artists and beneficiaries, people are put in place of improving their economic wellbeing through sales on our online shop.

Mulandira art will always exhibit their artwork on various platforms to rise funds in support of the economic wellbeing of these people.